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REST API 7.1.1 Change system user password via API

Dear community,

we have a state of the art restricted and hardened environment according to ESAE approach split into different Tier levels. However, as it is not possible to fully rely on Active Directory authentication (System user authentication and user required for e.g. Designer), we have the necessity to change the password of the system user "viadmin" on a regulary basis as also on trigger.


Can we use the REST API in order to reset the user's password?

Also after reading the documentation it is not year clear to me if I could use the REST API or any other approach to imlement this.


Thanks in advance for your feedback!

Best regards


  • First of all, thanks for your answer, Markus - exactely what I was thinking of and looking for.

    Regarding authentication in Designer:

    I should express myself better: of course the AD authentication is available in Designer. What I meant is that I cannot get rid of system users in total as we need them for compiling the database e.g.

    According to some infos an employee gave me, it is not possible to give an AD account the same permissions as viadmin.
  • First of all, thanks for your answer, Markus - exactely what I was thinking of and looking for.

    Regarding authentication in Designer:

    I should express myself better: of course the AD authentication is available in Designer. What I meant is that I cannot get rid of system users in total as we need them for compiling the database e.g.

    According to some infos an employee gave me, it is not possible to give an AD account the same permissions as viadmin.
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