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PowerShell connector scope filter being ignored

I have created a PowerShell sync project and it appears to be working ok to for a full inward sync.  We now need to exclude two accounts and I've tried to remove these using an "Object Filter" on the target system Scope, e.g. on MyClass I've ad

User<>'USERA' AND User <>'ANOTHER'

Unfortunately this appears to have no effect on the objects synced.  Should this work, and if so, what am I doing wrong?



  • The browser also is ignoring the filter, and I copied the filter values directly from what the browser was showing so as far as I know it's accurate. I did try changing to a "Like" expression in case some Unicode difference were getting in the way, but got the same result.
  • The browser also is ignoring the filter, and I copied the filter values directly from what the browser was showing so as far as I know it's accurate. I did try changing to a "Like" expression in case some Unicode difference were getting in the way, but got the same result.
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