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Web Designer Main Menu v8 html proper nesting?

Hi all,


I am trying to customize the layout according to client's brand manual. However, the html output does not help a lot.

Current output is as such:

[ Current output ]
// Main Menu level 1 starts here
<ul id="F0_..." kendo-menu ... class="k-widget k-menu ... k-menu-horizontal">
    <li class="k-item">
        <span class="navListLabel">Store Inventory</span>
// Main Menu level 2 starts here
<div class="k-animation-container" style="long lsit of properties inline...">
            <a href="">
                <span>Sub item</span>

[ What I need ]
// Main Menu level 1 starts here
<ul id="F0_..." kendo-menu ... class="k-widget k-menu ... k-menu-horizontal">
    <li class="k-item">
        <span class="navListLabel">Store Inventory</span>

        // Main Menu level 2 starts here
        <div class="k-animation-container" style="long lsit of properties inline...">
                    <a href="">
                        <span>Sub item</span>




How can I achieve that?


Much appreciated.

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