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DBQueue not getting any process



I might a problem with DBqueue. All the environment was working fine until I realized that no DBQueue calculations are getting made. I tried to publish a new item in the IT Shop and I spotted that is in the state 'Does not apply yet' when I tried to add it to a shelf. Digging into the problem I came to the conclusion that not new DB process are getting into the DBQueue.


I don't know what should I check in order to fix this problem.



Adrian Perez

  • Hello again,

    I checked the DBQueue slots history and state in Server Studio and I think they are working fine.

    Trying to follow your advice Markus, I am getting this error message when I execute this query:
    exec QBM_PWatchDogPrepare 1
    exec QBM_PDBQueuePrepare 1

    Error message:
    Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Procedure QBM_PDBQueuePrepare, Line 54 [Batch Start Line 0]
    50000 0 re-throw in Procedure QBM_PServerAgentJobDrop, Line 714525 0 detected in (SRV=PLIAMDEV02, DB=D1IM) Procedure sp_delete_job, Line 10314525 0 Only members of sysadmin role are allowed to update or delete jobs owned by a different login.

  • Hello again,

    I checked the DBQueue slots history and state in Server Studio and I think they are working fine.

    Trying to follow your advice Markus, I am getting this error message when I execute this query:
    exec QBM_PWatchDogPrepare 1
    exec QBM_PDBQueuePrepare 1

    Error message:
    Msg 50000, Level 16, State 1, Procedure QBM_PDBQueuePrepare, Line 54 [Batch Start Line 0]
    50000 0 re-throw in Procedure QBM_PServerAgentJobDrop, Line 714525 0 detected in (SRV=PLIAMDEV02, DB=D1IM) Procedure sp_delete_job, Line 10314525 0 Only members of sysadmin role are allowed to update or delete jobs owned by a different login.

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