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DBQueue not getting any process



I might a problem with DBqueue. All the environment was working fine until I realized that no DBQueue calculations are getting made. I tried to publish a new item in the IT Shop and I spotted that is in the state 'Does not apply yet' when I tried to add it to a shelf. Digging into the problem I came to the conclusion that not new DB process are getting into the DBQueue.


I don't know what should I check in order to fix this problem.



Adrian Perez

  • Yes, I will. Thank you for your advises and your effort.

    Executing schedules manually from Designer seems to work fine too, so I think the problem is more related with IT shop than with DB processor.

    Thanks again!
  • Yes, I will. Thank you for your advises and your effort.

    Executing schedules manually from Designer seems to work fine too, so I think the problem is more related with IT shop than with DB processor.

    Thanks again!
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