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DBQueue not getting any process



I might a problem with DBqueue. All the environment was working fine until I realized that no DBQueue calculations are getting made. I tried to publish a new item in the IT Shop and I spotted that is in the state 'Does not apply yet' when I tried to add it to a shelf. Digging into the problem I came to the conclusion that not new DB process are getting into the DBQueue.


I don't know what should I check in order to fix this problem.



Adrian Perez

  • Well, apparently it is like my system is working correctly because I can not see any error in any of the 1IM tools, but based on my experience using and configuring the tool, it is strange for me that no DB jobs are being created and I am still trying to publish entitlements in the IT Shop and they are all the time in the 'Does not apply yet' state.
  • Maybe it is time to contact support now.
  • Yes, I will. Thank you for your advises and your effort.

    Executing schedules manually from Designer seems to work fine too, so I think the problem is more related with IT shop than with DB processor.

    Thanks again!
  • Hello,

    After trying some ways to fix the problem, I deleted the whole structure of the IT Shop and created another one and it seems everything works fine again.

    I guess you, Barry and Markus, were right, but somehow the changes I made when the system was not working properly, were not saved and then unprocessed.

    Thanks again!
  • Adrian,

    It sounds like we're experiencing something similar to this issue. Triggers were suddenly disabled for some reason. Luckily, it is a development environment, but if you have any more info you can share, it would be greatly appreciated. Did you ever find out the cause?


  • Hello ellen,

    I think it was because of a problem when I was extending the schema database as Barry said in this thread.

    Anyway, we managed to delete all the unprocessed data and the environment is still working fine.
