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UNSRootB Base Object is not working as expected with different Sync Projects

Hi there,

I have different projects using different connectors (Powershell, Native Database) to pull accounts from different Target Systems, those accounts are mapped to UNSAccountB and every project has their own Base Object and Variables.

So my goal is to sync all the accounts from the Different Target Systems. If I sync the 1st Target System it works like a charm, but once I have those accounts in my 1IM database (UNSAccountB), the next Sync no matter what project you choose, it's trying to remove all the accounts (MarkAsOutstanding) from the other Target Systems. 

My question is: Do I missing something in my configuration? Considering every sync project must use their own variables for UNSRootB for example.

Here's some screenshots about my config:

Sync Report results:


Base object, Variables:

Object Matching Rule: This will be the best option because the CanonicalName is formed by TargetSystem\AccountName

UID_UNSROOTB: It's getting a fixed value from the corresponding TargetSystem



  • You to create a scope on UNSRootB to limit the objects for the synchronization of the OneIM side. Use your variable UNSROOTB to do so.

    In addition, change the definition of your virtual Property vrtUID_UNSRootB to use the variable as well.

  • You to create a scope on UNSRootB to limit the objects for the synchronization of the OneIM side. Use your variable UNSROOTB to do so.

    In addition, change the definition of your virtual Property vrtUID_UNSRootB to use the variable as well.

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