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Email Notification Exchange 2013 error

Hi Experts,

Am trying to send an approval email notification in version 8.0 and gives me the below certificate error.

Please find the below log and configuration parameter.

I have used the same SMTP server in my password manager and notification works well over there.

When I send directly from powershell ISE also it works fine.

Send-MailMessage -From $From -to $To -Subject $Subject -Body $Body -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -port $SMTPPort  -Credential (Get-Credential)

Please advice.


Thanks in advance.


  • Hi Markus,

    The certificate is issues by local CA. I did not get any certificate error in browser. Job service is running using domain account. Job server is also part of same domain. Do I need to use the service account used by job service for SMTP authentication? Do I need to get the certificate used by exchange and install it in Trusted stored of the Job server ?



  • Hi Markus,

    The certificate is issues by local CA. I did not get any certificate error in browser. Job service is running using domain account. Job server is also part of same domain. Do I need to use the service account used by job service for SMTP authentication? Do I need to get the certificate used by exchange and install it in Trusted stored of the Job server ?



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