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Extremely Long Compile Times


I'm using version 7.1.1 and I'm seeing some extremely long compile times when compiling the database, especially when a script is changed and everything has to be compiled. It's taking upwards of an hour where before it would take a few minutes. There are more processes and scripts now but I wouldn't have thought that would account for such a drastic difference. I've checked each of the servers, jobs, database and web servers and can't see any significant load being put on any of the servers. Is there some configuration that may cause this? Anything at all that I can check that would increase compile times so drastically?

Thanks for any direction.

  • Hi Dan,

    Could be a number of things, mostly database performance I would think, but without any detail we couldn't say for sure.

    You may want to consider the options you select when compiling. For example, if you're compiling due to a script change related to a process, do you need to compile the web project or web services?

    When it comes to database performance it's not always a visible thing, i.e. CPU or RAM. Read/write times and disk I/O are the biggest culprits. See the following for more info:

    I hope that helps.
