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Queues vs Service

Hi Experts,

A slightly theoretical/architectural question. I need to setup a new v8 environment and have been given 1 job server.

Is it generally better to have one service with many queues or many services with one queue each to get best performance from a single job server? What kind of decisions should I take into account when defining queues vs services



  • It would also like to have a nice comprehensive explanation for this.

    Having multiple job services on a single server should only be necessary for very specific scenarios, as far as I can tell.
    Performance-wise, you should be able to tune one job service with many queues via configuration. On the other hand, it might be easier to just add another job service, rather than dealing with the configuration details.
  • Did this as well in the past, to separate logfiles for multiple queues. But the problem is that you end up in port conflict when installing multiple instance of a JobService on 1 host. After all, it is this host that still gets all the workload so..

    I ended up configuring service1 on port 1881, service2 on 1882, service3 on 1883 etc

    But the JobQueueInfo tool can only listen to 1 port so you end up with non-responsive services from that point. 

  • If your JobService configuration is uploaded into the database, JobQueue Info parses the information from the configuration XML and chooses the correct port to display the HTTP status page.

    Which version are you using?

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