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LDAP provisioning: "discarded due to an invalid combination of attribute and object class"



I am getting this error in a RACF sync project when trying to update racfAddressLine1, racfAddressLine2 and racfAddressLine3 attributes. The error also appears if I try to make the change in Target System Browser and hit save.

If I log into an LDAP browser using the exact same credentials, and go to the user object to be updated, I cannot see these attributes but if I add a new attribute for racfAddressLine1 and populate it, then hit save, it saves.

And if I then attempt the sync again, those attributes do get populated - but only for that one row. The next account in the sync also needs these attributes refreshed but it throws the same error.

What could be causing this?

Thanks in advance

  • Hi

    I am still having this issue (error code 1777004) and cannot find any resources in any documentation that explains the error "the update for attribute <text attribute> has been discarded due to an invalid combination of attribute and object class".

    I cannot update any attribute from any LDAPAccount object on the target system side onto its corresponding RACFUSER account without this error being thrown.

    If I simulate it, everything checks out. If I execute the sync workflow into One Identity Manager, that works too. The project verifies OK.

    This is for a workflow step that has a mapping which only covers specific FREE TEXT attributes we want to update inside RACF - it's not updating the object classes, MVPs or RACF managed attributes.

    Object matching rules are firing correctly and consistently so it's something to do with the UPDATE method I think.

  • Hi

    I am still having this issue (error code 1777004) and cannot find any resources in any documentation that explains the error "the update for attribute <text attribute> has been discarded due to an invalid combination of attribute and object class".

    I cannot update any attribute from any LDAPAccount object on the target system side onto its corresponding RACFUSER account without this error being thrown.

    If I simulate it, everything checks out. If I execute the sync workflow into One Identity Manager, that works too. The project verifies OK.

    This is for a workflow step that has a mapping which only covers specific FREE TEXT attributes we want to update inside RACF - it's not updating the object classes, MVPs or RACF managed attributes.

    Object matching rules are firing correctly and consistently so it's something to do with the UPDATE method I think.

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