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user overview after 3days of exit date

Hi Experts,

Could you please help me on the query to generate a report of user's overview after 3 days of last day.



  • Trevor,
    I need to send a report to HR team and this report will kick after 3 days of the employee's last day. This report should mainly contain the user access in active state as some applications deals with manual work which is recorded in UnsAccountB and then triggers a ticket in service desk.
    UnsAccountB and Target system are in daily sync.

  • Trevor,
    I need to send a report to HR team and this report will kick after 3 days of the employee's last day. This report should mainly contain the user access in active state as some applications deals with manual work which is recorded in UnsAccountB and then triggers a ticket in service desk.
    UnsAccountB and Target system are in daily sync.

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