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user overview after 3days of exit date

Hi Experts,

Could you please help me on the query to generate a report of user's overview after 3 days of last day.



  • I think the SQL query should be simple enough for this, then you can use it to form your report. Something like:

    select * from Person p
    join UNSAccountB ub on ub.UID_Person = p.UID_Person
    join UNSAccountBInUNSGroupB uag on uag.UID_UNSAccountB = ub.UID_UNSAccountB
    join UNSGroupB ub on ub.UID_UNSGroupB = uag.UID_UNSGroupB
    where p.IsInActive=1
  • I think the SQL query should be simple enough for this, then you can use it to form your report. Something like:

    select * from Person p
    join UNSAccountB ub on ub.UID_Person = p.UID_Person
    join UNSAccountBInUNSGroupB uag on uag.UID_UNSAccountB = ub.UID_UNSAccountB
    join UNSGroupB ub on ub.UID_UNSGroupB = uag.UID_UNSGroupB
    where p.IsInActive=1
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