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Define a where clause for a custom FK column


I would like to implement a where clause for a custom FK column, such that results of an FK column can be pre-filtered in Manager.

For example; if one were to extend the table ADSAccount with an FK column pointing to the table ADSAccount, I would like the results of my custom ADSAccount column to be filtered such that only ADSAccounts of the same domain, as the loaded ADSAccount, become listed.

I realise that this can easily be achieved in frontend; however, my client's request is to implement this solution for the Manager.

My specific situation is the following.


I have extended the table SAPMandant with an FK column pointing to SAPGroup, which determines the default assignment-group for all SAP Users in a given SAP Client.

When I drop down this column in Manager, currently all objects in the table SAPGroup become listed, which includes SAP Groups, Roles and Profiles which are not part of the same SAP Client. I would like to add a where clause for this column so that only SAP Groups of the loaded SAP Client are listed as a result.


Thank you very much in advance for your help.

Best Regards,


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