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Mass Prohibit Modification for Employees custom property 1 field


  I know that I am able to prohibit editing for an individual master record by right-clicking my mouse and selecting 'prohibit modification'.  I am searching for a way on the table level to lock the [Person].[CustomProperty01] to all existing and future users will have contain a read-only CustomProperty01 column.  This column is used to save archived HR information, and we want to freeze it from being used now and in the future. Is this possible?





  • If you want to avoid any change to the column CustomProperty01 at all, you can add the following code to the OnLoaded Script on the Person table.

    Base.Columns("CustomProperty01").CanEdit = False

    In my sample screenshot, I have added this to the existing code on the script. In that case, an import or sync and an administrative user would be able to change the property but no one else.


  • If you want to avoid any change to the column CustomProperty01 at all, you can add the following code to the OnLoaded Script on the Person table.

    Base.Columns("CustomProperty01").CanEdit = False

    In my sample screenshot, I have added this to the existing code on the script. In that case, an import or sync and an administrative user would be able to change the property but no one else.


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