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Problem logging in any 1IM application



Today we were working as usual in 1IM and we got a problem compiling the database related with a script that we haven't touched for days. After this, now we can not log in in any 1IM application (the connectivity with the database is working and if we put a wrong password we got the typical login error) and we get the following error:


[810099] Assembly could not be loaded from buffer passed down.

Could not load file or assembly '1517568 bytes loaded from VI.DB, Version=7.1.2016.901, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=xxxxxxxxxxxxx' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format.
Bad IL format.


Any recommendation will be appreciated. Thanks,


  • Yesterday we checked also those event logs using the Event Viewer from some servers and we didn't find any error regarding this problem.

    Also, we deleted that entry in the DialogScriptAssembly, but we got another different error that seemed that it was not a good idea and we came back to the previous state (with that entry in the table).

    Then, since this problem is becoming important, we contacted support. And if community members still have more ideas, feel free to share it here. If we find the root of this problem, I will try to keep you updated as well.

    Thanks one more time,
  • Yesterday we checked also those event logs using the Event Viewer from some servers and we didn't find any error regarding this problem.

    Also, we deleted that entry in the DialogScriptAssembly, but we got another different error that seemed that it was not a good idea and we came back to the previous state (with that entry in the table).

    Then, since this problem is becoming important, we contacted support. And if community members still have more ideas, feel free to share it here. If we find the root of this problem, I will try to keep you updated as well.

    Thanks one more time,
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