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How to assign active directory group account manager through ITshop ?

My use case is: If the current account manager of AD group gets disabled, it gets removed as an account manager from the AD group which is as expected but now I want to assign new account manager to this AD group through ITshop and the workflow to assign new account manager should go to previous account manager's manager. How can we implement this?

  • Are you sure, that you want to handle this all with requests?

    I think the web portal could be somehow handy.
    If you some overview for AD Administrator or Attestations for them, they could have a form to assign a new account manager.

    Also you might want to think to handle this process prior to disabling a person.
  • Hi Geraldine,
    Thanks for quick response. I did not get the flow you mentioned to implement this case. Can you please explain little bit in detail. Thank you
  • What's your process prior to disable an employee? It might be worth expanding it for this. Then it might just be a script.

    What about a new Attestation Policy, which would need some Custom Editors in the Web portal for this?

    Maybe an support team is going to handle that? Then you need complete new page for the web portal.

    Maybe you want a request with an approval workflow for a new product called "account manager change".

    What's the direct manager of the disabled employee going to do with the AD Group?
    What's if there is no direct manager?

    There are too many ways to solve your issue, as it does not seem to be specified.
  • Hi Geraldine,
    I don't have any process prior to disabling the user. Use case can be:
    User is getting terminated and he owns some of the AD groups. So, once the user is terminated, we need to modify the account manager for those AD groups. You mentioned: Maybe you want a request with an approval workflow for a new product called "account manager change".
    Is it possible to raise a request automatically in the backend when user gets disabled and on the approval page, approver has to select new account manager for the AD groups? Is this customization possible? If yes, how can we do that?
  • This question was asked and answered multiple times.
    here's the linkt to the documentation:
  • Thanks Geraldine. I will check this link