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PCA error in AD side logs.

Dear Experts,


We are receiving below error in PCA logs on AD server side.


CWorker-Thread (1232): Calling Method 'PasswordChangeNotify()' of the COM-Object ...

5/7/2018 09:53:49:
CWorker-Thread (1232): ... done.

5/7/2018 09:53:49:
System-Code: 400 (0x190)
Job failed:
Job Id='2018.05.04 07:19:50.104' User='XXXXX' failed:
Function call failed:
Script 'VI_CaptureAgent_SetPassword' could not executed:
Request failed:
Response could not retrieved:
Exception occurred:
System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at PCA_Service.HttpWebRequest_Extension.GetResponse(HttpWebRequest request, String& response, String& errMsg)
Response was:

{"responseStatus":{"errorCode":"ArgumentException","message":"Method expected 3 parameters but got 4.","errors":[]}}

Response status code: BadRequest
Response status description: ArgumentException

Status code: ProtocolError

How can skip this error or remove from job queue because of this remaining password change job are not getting processed.


Please let me know how to handle or remove from PCA job queue.

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