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How to make attestation as a self service feature


I want to attestation to be made as self service so that manager can run attestation on the objects. Right now, attestation runs on schedule basis or can be ran from backend (Manager) but I want to make this feature available in front end as well. IS there a way to achieve this? What if I make it as a auto approved request in ITshop? If it is possible, let me know how can we implement it. Thank you.

  • Hi Ruchita,

    What exactly do you want to make available in IT Shop?  You want the manager to be able to execute the schedule?  Or simply approve the attestations?

    This is likely not something that can be done easily, if at all.  Why not just give this manager access to the Manager front end instead?


  • Hi Trevor,

    I want that manager will login to ITshop and he will request for attestation on specific object (these parameters will be in request properties) and then will raise the request. It will be auto approved request then in the backend a custom process will be triggered which will add an entry in AttestationCase table. Do you think this is feasible?

  • Hi Trevor,

    I want that manager will login to ITshop and he will request for attestation on specific object (these parameters will be in request properties) and then will raise the request. It will be auto approved request then in the backend a custom process will be triggered which will add an entry in AttestationCase table. Do you think this is feasible?

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