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Unable to Connect to HistoryDB Designer?

Hi Experts,

We have installed One Identity Manager History Service tools on an administrative workstation. Initially I was able to connect even after rejecting auto update message but now whenever I am launching HDB Designer, it prompts for auto update "  There are updates for your application in database. Do you want to install them?"  if i close this popup or click on "No" . it is getting stuck on connect screen and not prompting for id and password.

because of this I am unable to connect HDB.  Please suggest a way to connect HDB Designer.

As per Data Archive Guide  Note"  NOTE: Update the One Identity Manager History Database tools on this workstation with the installation wizard and not by automatic software update."  so i am not clicking on Yes.

Thanks and Regards.

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  • Hi

    you have two options.
    1) Reinstall your client tools for OneIM histroy database using the indentical install sources the OneIM history database was create/last updated with.
    2) Just in case, create a backup of your OneIM HDB client tool installation. Verify that you are trying to connect to the proper history database and accept the update.