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Unable to Connect to HistoryDB Designer?

Hi Experts,

We have installed One Identity Manager History Service tools on an administrative workstation. Initially I was able to connect even after rejecting auto update message but now whenever I am launching HDB Designer, it prompts for auto update "  There are updates for your application in database. Do you want to install them?"  if i close this popup or click on "No" . it is getting stuck on connect screen and not prompting for id and password.

because of this I am unable to connect HDB.  Please suggest a way to connect HDB Designer.

As per Data Archive Guide  Note"  NOTE: Update the One Identity Manager History Database tools on this workstation with the installation wizard and not by automatic software update."  so i am not clicking on Yes.

Thanks and Regards.

  • Why would you simply not accept to update?  Otherwise, turn off the autoupdate option.  But if it's prompting you then you likely do require the updates.


  • Hi Trevor,

    As per Data Archive Guide  Note"  NOTE: Update the One Identity Manager History Database tools on this workstation with the installation wizard and not by automatic software update."   So i am not accepting update. Also want to know how can we turn off the autoupdate option. 

    Also I have one more query, if I update then will this have any impact on other tools or DB.


  • Hi

    your are reading the documentation wrong. The Note "NOTE: Update the One Identity Manager History Database tools on this workstation with the installation wizard and not by automatic software update." is within a paragraph explaining how to prepare a workstation to perform an schema/version update of a history database.
    If you are preparing your workstation to update your history database, you have to update your workstation using the new install set. Until your update of the history database is completed you should not accept a automatic software update when using the client tools you want to update the database with.
    During regular every day work whith the history database you should accept automatic software update.

    There are different approaches to disable automatic software update (locally and globally). If you disable it globally, you have to update every piece of OneIM software using the history database manually. If for example supports supplies you with a fixed dll, you have to replace this dll on every jobservice and worksation installation that connects to the history database manually. If you disable automatic software update locally, you have to update OneIM tools installations manually.

    The automatic software update updates the binarys in the folder (and sub folders) the current programm (e.g. Designer) was started from.


  • Thanks all to support after accepting update to specific folder for HDB able to login and completed steps.

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