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Selecting a reference user to copy its products assigned does not show all the assigned products of the user


When I am trying to raise a request using "select reference user", it is not showing all the requested and assigned products of this user. What might be the cause for this? Please help

  • I believe it only shows those products your current recipient is entitled to request.

  • As of now, all users are entitled to request all products. One observation here is only products which has some entitlement(system role, account definition, etc) are displayed when we select reference user. I have other requestable products as well like "Create system account" where at the end there is no entitlement but a system account can be created for the user. So, what might be going wrong here? or is this the expected functionality?

  • As of now, all users are entitled to request all products. One observation here is only products which has some entitlement(system role, account definition, etc) are displayed when we select reference user. I have other requestable products as well like "Create system account" where at the end there is no entitlement but a system account can be created for the user. So, what might be going wrong here? or is this the expected functionality?
