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Selecting a reference user to copy its products assigned does not show all the assigned products of the user


When I am trying to raise a request using "select reference user", it is not showing all the requested and assigned products of this user. What might be the cause for this? Please help

  • Be sure that recipient you've selected is a member of the ITShop where products belongs to. Also multirequestable products are shown on the list. In Web Designer go to webproject, itshop,selectable reference employees and be sure that the value is 1=1 , aslo check filter for requests which can be copied from a reference employee

  • selectable reference is set to "1 = 1" still custom application roles, multirequestable products are not visible in the list. I think the problem is it uses below query to get the users and their roles

    string _tmpstring = "({0}) and uid_accproduct in ( select p.uid_accproduct from QER_VPWOProductNodes p" +
    " join personhasobject pho on pho.ObjectKey = p.ObjectKeyOrdered where pho.UID_Pe" +
    "rson = {1})";

    now in case of multirequestable products, entry does not go in PersonHasObject table when the user requests for multirequestable products and in case of custom application role, objeckey in personHasObject table and ObjectKeyOrdered in QER_VPWOProductNodes do not match. What can be the solution for this?

  • selectable reference is set to "1 = 1" still custom application roles, multirequestable products are not visible in the list. I think the problem is it uses below query to get the users and their roles

    string _tmpstring = "({0}) and uid_accproduct in ( select p.uid_accproduct from QER_VPWOProductNodes p" +
    " join personhasobject pho on pho.ObjectKey = p.ObjectKeyOrdered where pho.UID_Pe" +
    "rson = {1})";

    now in case of multirequestable products, entry does not go in PersonHasObject table when the user requests for multirequestable products and in case of custom application role, objeckey in personHasObject table and ObjectKeyOrdered in QER_VPWOProductNodes do not match. What can be the solution for this?

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