DBQueue stuck on Waiting for Compiler

Hi Experts

We have a v8 environment where the DB was restored from another environment and setup again. Everything is configured correctly, jobs are being picked up properly.

There is an issue on the DBQueue - no matter how many times we do a full compile, the task "Waiting for Compiler" and "Compile system" never clear away from the dbqueue. We also verified no one has the DBCompiler tool open. 

The odd thing is, after compiling the new processes and templates work fine, but the message simply doesn't disappear. I also tried deleteing it from DialogDBQueue but it just comes back.

As a workaround, I increased the sort order to 999999 so that that task goes to the bottom and other things can continue to process, however its still quite annoying to see that message pop up. 

Any suggestions on how this can be fixed?



Parents Reply Children
  • This is an ancient problem, but still occurs in 9.1.   If someone does a schema-extension but does not click on [Finish] after the extension has finished, DBQueue will display "Waiting for Compiler".  You can do full-compiles until you're blue in the face and the "Waiting for Compiler" will not go away.  Fix is to go back the schema-extension tool and click on [Finish].