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How to rebuild the appserver's indexing?

Hi Everyone,

I have a question about indexing of application server.

I would like to search a newly created person on this form (see below) and I did not find it with the "Search" field, just with the filter button near "Name" column.

I think it is in connection with the indexing service on the application server because after a few days I can find this person with the "Search" field too.

So, my question is, how can I influence the searching with this bulitin feature to find the corresponding object?


  • Hello Peter,

    Newly created employees take a few minutes to be added to the search index. You can trigger the re-indexing from the application server web UI, but this also takes a moment.



  • Hi Hanno,

    This user was inserted at 6/3/2018 9:05:34 AM, and it is still not found by search field.

    Sorry but I did not mention that this is version 7.1.1, and I think triggering index manually is missing from it.

    So the problem still exists, how can I add it to search index? How can I investigate it in details?

  • Hi Hanno,

    This user was inserted at 6/3/2018 9:05:34 AM, and it is still not found by search field.

    Sorry but I did not mention that this is version 7.1.1, and I think triggering index manually is missing from it.

    So the problem still exists, how can I add it to search index? How can I investigate it in details?
