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How the password can be reset through ITshop request?


I want to enable the user (we can assume it as support person) to reset the password of other users. I am trying to create a request property where in support person will select the user and then he will pass the password. But how can I have Password and Confirm password option where in both the passwords will be compared as it happens normally and validate the password with Password policies as well?

  • If you are on version 8.x, why not using Password Reset Web Portal for the users and allowing the HelpDesk persons to generate a temporary passcode that the users can use to log into the Password Reset Web Portal if they forgot their password?

    By default, the managers of a person can generate a passcode in the Web Portal and the Operations Support Team in the Operations Web.

  • Hi Markus,

    I am trying to extend my existing web portal for Operation support web portal but after I completed my installation, I am not able to access it. I tried accessing it on the same web portal URL which I was using before. Did I miss anything?

  • Hi Markus,

    Thanks for the help. I am able to login to operation support web portal now and able to create the passcode for user. But, how can I send the passcode to the user via mail? Do we need to customize something or anything available OOTB for this? Thank you

  • Hi Markus,

    Thanks for the help. I am able to login to operation support web portal now and able to create the passcode for user. But, how can I send the passcode to the user via mail? Do we need to customize something or anything available OOTB for this? Thank you
