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How to change the visibility of Operation Support web portal?


I have installed Operation support web portal and can see JobQueue and DBQueue status there. Even, I can start and stop JobQueue and DBQueue. I don't want user to see all this. Only he should be able to generate passcode for users. Is it possible to customize this? Thank you

  • It is not supported to customize the Operations support web portal. You can assign the Employee Administrator role to those people and then they are entitled to create passcodes in the standard Web Portal like a manager.

  • So, I was thinking if I can create separate shop for helpdesk users and create a service item to reset user's password. Here, challenge I am facing is how I should validate Passwords which normally happens (Password and confirm password as two fields and validate it on UI itself) and second challenge is to validate the password with password policy. How can I do this?

  • The most important question is how you are going to securely store the password as part of an IT shop request.

    Requests are not designed to handle password data.

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