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Default AD group is not assigning to new users

I have 5 location based AD attribute and i connected all these to particular location.When a new user came under that location they will get that Groups.

But unfortunately one DA group is not coming under identity .All other groups are assigning properly. I did not find any problem with that group.

How can i check this error.This problem hovering me all the time.Please help me to resolve it.

Parents Reply
  • Hello,

    Like Markus, I, too, am curious to see what the AD Group looks like in Object Browser:

    1. Open Object Browser

    2. Select the table "ADSGroup"

    3. Search for, and locate the AD Group that won't assign

    4. Double click, and screenshot the details

    Also, could you share screenshots of a working, and non-working location from Manager so we can see the configuration?

    Thank you,


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