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query on jobs for HelperAttestationPolicy

Hi ,
i am using v8.0. We have recently setup a new dev environment and migrated few attestation policies from our previous environment to new dev env. Now we are getting thousands of jobs in Job queue with the title-    "Created by QBMDBQueueProcess:execute template for object type HelperAttestationPolicy"

Also in the DBqueue - the process is highlighted--" Fill Attestation rule auxiliary table"

They are taking so much time to complete with the jobs running from almost 15 hours now.This is nearly blocking any other Job from execution.

Can somebody please suggest what is meant by these jobs/process and what purpose are they serving ( i can see that records in HelperattestationPolicy tables are getting increased but i dont know the significance of this table as well in the overall attestation flow)

Looking for some details and pointers tp relevant documentation , if possible.


  • To make it short, without the entries in HelperAttestationPolicy the attestation will not work.

    If your development environment needs so much time to calculate the necessary data you should consider to either strip down the amount of content data to a feasible amount or ramp up your dev. environment to be able to handle the load.

  • To make it short, without the entries in HelperAttestationPolicy the attestation will not work.

    If your development environment needs so much time to calculate the necessary data you should consider to either strip down the amount of content data to a feasible amount or ramp up your dev. environment to be able to handle the load.
