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VBscript example using VI.DB.Entities.Query class with a join

Hi all,

Someone has an example how to execute a sql query with join on a vb script ?

I try with the code like:

            Query = Query.From("SAPUserHasParameter", "UP") _
            .Join("SAPParameter", "Par").On(f.ColumnsComparison("UP.UID_SAPPaameter", "Par.UID_SAPParameter"))

but it gives error.

Thank you very much and best regards


  • What is the error?

    Where or better in what kind of statement are you trying to use the Query object?

  • Hi Markus,

    I am create a custom task for SAP connector

    I would like to have the SAP the "ParamID" on table SAPParameter of a SAPUser.

    Obviously I can retrive before all UID_SAPParameter from "SAPUserHasParameter" and after retrive all ParamID from "SAPParameter"

    but If I can retrvie all value on a single query it is more efficient.

    I would like to have a collection like:

    SAPUserHasParameter.UID_SAPParameter - SAPParameter.ParamID -  SAPUserHasParameter.ParameterValue

    Thank you very much and best regards


  • I am still not understanding where are trying to use your Query object and what the error message is.

    Are you trying to use the Query object in a scripted property of an SAP sync project? Can you post the error message?

  • This is a possible solution, but this bypasses objectlayer and permissions model so be careful with it. But it is superfast and quite easy to do. Hope it helps.


    Public Function testQuery() As String


          ' Degine output file

          Dim outputfile As String = "c:\temp\myreport.csv"


          ' Setup database connection

          Dim ConnectionString As String = Connection.GetSingleProperty("dialogDatabase", "connectionstring", "")

          Dim conData As ConnectData = DbApp.Instance.Connect(ConnectionString)


          ' Dim the SQL query as you would run in using ObjectBrowser for example, watch the quotes into the string !

          Dim myQuery As String = "select centralaccount,internalname from person p where p.centralaccount like 'aa%'"


          ' Define return var and run the query

          Dim returnValue As iDatareader

          Dim cSQL As SqlExecutor = conData.Connection.CreateSqlExecutor(conData.PublicKey)

          returnValue = cSQL.SqlExecute(String.Format(myQuery))


          ' Write a header to the output file



          ' Looping over the query results and append lines to logfile

          While returnValue.Read()

            Dim record As IDataRecord = CType(returnValue, IDataRecord)

                Dim csvLine As String = String.Format("{0};{1};", record(0), record(1))


          End While


          ' Return done

          Return "Done."


    End Function


    ' Sub function to write a logfile

    Public Sub returnValue2csv(ByVal filename As String, ByVal csvLine As String, ByVal appendfile As Boolean)

        ' definestreamwriter object - append or not to append

          Using swFile As New StreamWriter(filename,appendfile)

          ' write


          End Using

    End Sub