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Application Server - IT Shop Search function

Hello all,

I have an IT Shop (All Working) and an Application Server (working through swagger-ui).  The database for the system was restored from a higher environment and we have updated all the configuration pertinent to it being the DEV environment.....

However, when trying to do a search in IT Shop, we are getting an error:

One or more errors occurred.

Application server returned an error.

Wrong user name or password.

Now, where I can see in the application server logs that it is trying to authenticate with a system user: WebAppService_****************** where the *** are a random string.  I can see that there are system users in the system that don't match this user, but start with WebAppService_
How do I find where that system user is referenced when the IT Shop is trying to authenticate to Application Server?  Is it stored in the database somewhere?  in web.config?  If it's in web.config, there are some encrypted connection strings, but how do I update them?
  • The system user authentication used for the AutoUpdate is stored in the encrypted connection strings of the web.config of the Web Portal, not the application server.

    You can use the command line tool WebDesigner.ConfigFileEditorCMD.exe in the bin directory of the web portal to set the authentication string to a new value.

    WebDesigner.ConfigFileEditorCMD.exe /webconfig <Path to your OneIM Web Portal>\web.config /connectionstringkey "AutoUpdateUserAuth" /connectionstring "Module=DialogUser;User=<SystemUser>;Password=<Password>"

  • The system user authentication used for the AutoUpdate is stored in the encrypted connection strings of the web.config of the Web Portal, not the application server.

    You can use the command line tool WebDesigner.ConfigFileEditorCMD.exe in the bin directory of the web portal to set the authentication string to a new value.

    WebDesigner.ConfigFileEditorCMD.exe /webconfig <Path to your OneIM Web Portal>\web.config /connectionstringkey "AutoUpdateUserAuth" /connectionstring "Module=DialogUser;User=<SystemUser>;Password=<Password>"

  • Thanks, that's almost what I'm looking for... it's the AppServerConnection connectionstring that I think I need to update - now I need to just find the right syntax for that.... is there any documentation on how to use the WebDeskginer.ConfigFileEditorCMD.exe command line tool?

  • The AppServerConnection can be configured using the GUI version of WebDesigner.ConfigFileEditor easily. 

    The CMD line tool explains all parameters when started without any parameter. 

  • Hi Markus,

    That's the first place I looked.  I made sure it was configured there properly.  However, I am still getting the "wrong username or password" error and when I look in the log files for the Application Server, it's referencing a WebAppService system user that doesn't exist.

    So, what I really need to know is where the configuration for which WebAppService account is used for the authentication from the IT Shop to Application Server is stored, so I can update that?

  • Paul, as I have written in my first reply. To change the WebAppService user, you need to change the settings I have posted in my first reply with the cmd line sample provided.

    You didn't reply that you have done this and it doesn't change but asked for the AppServerConnection so I gave you that as well.

    So, did you gave it try with the command line tool or not?

  • Apologies - I did try that and it didn't work.  I have redone it today (with a slightly simpler password for the system user (no special characters) and it has now worked.  I think that when I reset the password for the system user originally and used a password generator, it had some characters in that probably didn't sit too well in the command line (maybe there were some escape characters?).

    Anyway - it is now working

    Thank you very much for your time and again, sorry that I sounded a bit stupid!

  • The result is what matters. Good to hear that it is working now. 

    And yes, escape characters are always a problem in any command shell.