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Application Server - IT Shop Search function

Hello all,

I have an IT Shop (All Working) and an Application Server (working through swagger-ui).  The database for the system was restored from a higher environment and we have updated all the configuration pertinent to it being the DEV environment.....

However, when trying to do a search in IT Shop, we are getting an error:

One or more errors occurred.

Application server returned an error.

Wrong user name or password.

Now, where I can see in the application server logs that it is trying to authenticate with a system user: WebAppService_****************** where the *** are a random string.  I can see that there are system users in the system that don't match this user, but start with WebAppService_
How do I find where that system user is referenced when the IT Shop is trying to authenticate to Application Server?  Is it stored in the database somewhere?  in web.config?  If it's in web.config, there are some encrypted connection strings, but how do I update them?