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How to configure loadbalancer for Application Server


We have configured loadbalancer for web portal. But not sure, how can we have same functionality of load balancing for Application Server. We are trying to install Application Sever on two servers with their dedicated IIS and Application Pools. It worked for web portal but its not working for application server. Is there any other way of doing this? Can someone please suggest. Thank you.

  • The configuration for the Application Server shuld be very similar to the one for the Web Portal. Both need sticky sessions support from the load balancer. For the Application Server, there are two cookies you can use ss-id and ss-pid but we suggest to use the ss-id one. In addition, ensure that the signing certificate of both application servers is the same. This allows reusing a session from one application server in case of a server switch.

  • The configuration for the Application Server shuld be very similar to the one for the Web Portal. Both need sticky sessions support from the load balancer. For the Application Server, there are two cookies you can use ss-id and ss-pid but we suggest to use the ss-id one. In addition, ensure that the signing certificate of both application servers is the same. This allows reusing a session from one application server in case of a server switch.
