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Job server is not processing anything


We have configured job server remotely and updated jobservice.cfg file. And we added the entry of job server in Designer. Service of this job server is running properly but jobs are not getting executed by this job server. We restarted the service, server but nothing is working out. Please guide to resolve this issue. Thank you.

  • It sounds like the job server is not properly configured.  If you browse to the web page, is the server servicing any queues?

  • When I browse the web page it shows "Executing instance for queue \RemoteJobServer2". And this is our queue name

  • that where your jobs are being generated?

  • Yes and there are no errors in the logs. One more point to add this job service communicates with DB via App server. 

  • I am assuming that there are jobs in the \RemoteJobServer2 queue that are not getting picked up.  Have you checked the log on the job server?  is the server checking that queue?

  • yes it is checking the queue. It shows below info in logs

    2018-07-16 13:14:14 +00:00 - Info: Last process step request succeeded.
    2018-07-16 13:15:44 +00:00 - Info: Requesting process steps for queue \REMOTEJOBSERVER2.
    2018-07-16 13:15:44 +00:00 - Info: Last process step request succeeded.
    2018-07-16 13:17:14 +00:00 - Info: Requesting process steps for queue \REMOTEJOBSERVER2.
    2018-07-16 13:17:14 +00:00 - Info: Last process step request succeeded.
    2018-07-16 13:18:44 +00:00 - Info: Requesting process steps for queue \REMOTEJOBSERVER2.
    2018-07-16 13:18:44 +00:00 - Info: Last process step request succeeded.
    2018-07-16 13:20:14 +00:00 - Info: Requesting process steps for queue \REMOTEJOBSERVER2.
    2018-07-16 13:20:14 +00:00 - Info: Last process step request succeeded.
    2018-07-16 13:21:44 +00:00 - Info: Requesting process steps for queue \REMOTEJOBSERVER2.
    2018-07-16 13:21:44 +00:00 - Info: Last process step request succeeded.
    2018-07-16 13:23:14 +00:00 - Info: Requesting process steps for queue \REMOTEJOBSERVER2.
    2018-07-16 13:23:14 +00:00 - Info: Last process step request succeeded.
  • yes it is checking the queue. It shows below info in logs

    2018-07-16 13:14:14 +00:00 - Info: Last process step request succeeded.
    2018-07-16 13:15:44 +00:00 - Info: Requesting process steps for queue \REMOTEJOBSERVER2.
    2018-07-16 13:15:44 +00:00 - Info: Last process step request succeeded.
    2018-07-16 13:17:14 +00:00 - Info: Requesting process steps for queue \REMOTEJOBSERVER2.
    2018-07-16 13:17:14 +00:00 - Info: Last process step request succeeded.
    2018-07-16 13:18:44 +00:00 - Info: Requesting process steps for queue \REMOTEJOBSERVER2.
    2018-07-16 13:18:44 +00:00 - Info: Last process step request succeeded.
    2018-07-16 13:20:14 +00:00 - Info: Requesting process steps for queue \REMOTEJOBSERVER2.
    2018-07-16 13:20:14 +00:00 - Info: Last process step request succeeded.
    2018-07-16 13:21:44 +00:00 - Info: Requesting process steps for queue \REMOTEJOBSERVER2.
    2018-07-16 13:21:44 +00:00 - Info: Last process step request succeeded.
    2018-07-16 13:23:14 +00:00 - Info: Requesting process steps for queue \REMOTEJOBSERVER2.
    2018-07-16 13:23:14 +00:00 - Info: Last process step request succeeded.