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Job server is not processing anything


We have configured job server remotely and updated jobservice.cfg file. And we added the entry of job server in Designer. Service of this job server is running properly but jobs are not getting executed by this job server. We restarted the service, server but nothing is working out. Please guide to resolve this issue. Thank you.

  • You should check, if there are any disabled triggers, because that can affect negatively the behavior of the job server.

    Another problem can occur, if you have done your job server configuration before you have set the service account under which the job server will be running and executed. Because the DB connection settings will be stored in the registry for the user that is currently set for running the service. This can be fixed by re-configuring the DB connection settings via the JobServiceConfigurator for the new service account.

    You should have a look into the DialogJournal, if there are addintional informations regarding your Problem. You can check it via JobQueue or with the following SQL statement:

    SELECT MessageString, MessageDate FROM DialogJournal
    		MessageType = N'E'
    	ORDER BY MessageDate DESC

  • You should check, if there are any disabled triggers, because that can affect negatively the behavior of the job server.

    Another problem can occur, if you have done your job server configuration before you have set the service account under which the job server will be running and executed. Because the DB connection settings will be stored in the registry for the user that is currently set for running the service. This can be fixed by re-configuring the DB connection settings via the JobServiceConfigurator for the new service account.

    You should have a look into the DialogJournal, if there are addintional informations regarding your Problem. You can check it via JobQueue or with the following SQL statement:

    SELECT MessageString, MessageDate FROM DialogJournal
    		MessageType = N'E'
    	ORDER BY MessageDate DESC

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