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unable to create PersonWantsOrg via RESTApi

We try a Post request to the PersonWantsOrg table with the following example body:
"values": {
"UID_Org": " 5c490797-b3ae-47c5-b2da-f1bc0e9ab675",
"UID_PersonOrdered": "8e93db71-7dc8-4f7f-bb2e-66c1951e85a3",
"OrderReason":"Test request via api"

but receive the following error:
"message":"This employee Fellers Joshua (JOSHUA.FELLERS) is not authorized to make requests at this point."},
"errorString":"This employee Fellers Joshua (JOSHUA.FELLERS) is not authorized to make requests at this point.",
"exceptions":[{"number":2133173,"message":"This employee Fellers Joshua (JOSHUA.FELLERS) is not authorized to make requests at this point."}]

We verified the same request can be made by the user in ITShop.  and the person logged into the API has a System user of viAdmin assigned to it.   

Parents Reply
  • so we have a copy of viAdmins as dcgsAdmin all permissions are checked in permissions Group Editor, made sure that is not a dynamic user, and is listed under system users,  We just assigned that to the user instead of viAdmin,  and tested again.  still same error.
