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Script for Password policy

I use OIM 8

I need to prohibit users to set a password that match the last x used passwords for AD. For that I am going to use check script in password policy. In that script I want to compare new password's hash with hash from the table QBMPwdHistory. So  my questions:


Function header: Public Sub CCC_CustomPwdValidate(Policy As VI.DB.Passwords.PasswordPolicy, spwd As System.Security.SecureString)

1) How can I get the hash of new password in my function for comparing ? As far as I understand I should use something like "Policy.GetHashCode()". May be variable spwd is already in the state which fits for comparing with QBMPwdHistory.HashValue ?


2)How can I get XobjectKey of a base object(ADSAccount) in my function? I have found in documentation "To use a base object, take the property Entity of the PasswordPolicy class." However, my variable Policy (VI.DB.Passwords.PasswordPolicy) doesn't have property Entity. Please help.