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OneDB Encrypted : How to decrypt an Encrypted Password on Config Parameters

Hi all,

On production I have the ONE IDM encrypted in this way all internal passwords and connections are not show.

I have a parameter that contains a password. I encrypted the parameter and the original value now is not visible.

I need to take the parameter value on a custom script for a connection string.

I search on site, and I find the statements to descrypt the value. I wrote a function:

        Public Function CCC_Get_DecryptedValue(ByVal EncryptedString As String) As String

            Dim DecryptVal As String
            Dim decrypter As VI.Projector.Security.DatabaseEncryption = New VI.Projector.Security.DatabaseEncryption(Connection.Session)
            ' decryption using the Projector method
            DecryptVal = decrypter.Decrypt(EncryptedString)
            Return DecryptVal
        End Function

The function return the value encrypted and if I check the encrypted string using

Dim check As Boolean = decrypter.IsEncryptedValue(EncryptedString)

The check is false....  

Could you tell me what I wrong ?

Thank you very much and best regards


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