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How to encrypt a column via process

Hi, we have one custom column created with schema extension and it needs encrypted value. When I am passing value from front end i.e ITshop, it is storing this value in plain text. I tried using "encrypted" option in parameter but its not working. How can I insert encrypted value in this column? Please suggest. Thank you.

  • I suggest reading the documentation. You need to set the encrypted flag at your custom column.

  • Markus,

    For some reasons, lots of columns are greyed out and could not be selected. Is this behavior somehow due to underline sentence? 

    "Encryption is carried out by the program "Crypto Configuration". With this program an encryption file is created and the contents of the database columns that are effected are converted. The encrypted data is stored in the database table DialogDatabase.".

    Is it possible to enable Encrypted option on other columns (included in that encryption file) except OOTB columns? Thank you for the help!

  • Markus,

    For some reasons, lots of columns are greyed out and could not be selected. Is this behavior somehow due to underline sentence? 

    "Encryption is carried out by the program "Crypto Configuration". With this program an encryption file is created and the contents of the database columns that are effected are converted. The encrypted data is stored in the database table DialogDatabase.".

    Is it possible to enable Encrypted option on other columns (included in that encryption file) except OOTB columns? Thank you for the help!
