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job queue did not run successfully

I installed one identity manager, install job server, DB server, application server ,web portal . after run the synchronization ,the job queue did not run successful

Details please check the attached picture URL.

sorry. Im not able to upload the URL, have to paste here:

Job queue

show it browser:

Could you please give advice on this ?I don't know what the problem is .Thank a lot.

  • The second screenshot reveals that job service didn't start properly. You should see a detailed error message in the log file of the service.

    The path would be (assuming version 7.1 by your screenshot) %localappdata%\Dell\One Identity Manager\JobService\JobService.log

  • cant find the jobservice.log under the path you provide, but I checked this:C:\Users\Administrator.EY\AppData\Local\Dell\One Identity Manager\JobServiceCmd 

    content below,what should I do now?Thanks.

    2018-09-06 09:45:00.4421 ERROR (Jobservice ) : Error occured in HTTP Server (thread: HTTP Server):
    [System.Net.HttpListenerException] Failed to listen on prefix 'http://*:1880/' because it conflicts with an existing registration on the machine. System.Net.HttpListenerException (0x80004005): Failed to listen on prefix 'http://*:1880/' because it conflicts with an existing registration on the machine.
       at System.Net.HttpListener.AddAllPrefixes()
       at System.Net.HttpListener.Start()
       at VI.JobService.Http.HttpServer._MainLoop()    at System.Net.HttpListener.AddAllPrefixes()
       at System.Net.HttpListener.Start()
       at VI.JobService.Http.HttpServer._MainLoop()
    2018-09-06 09:45:00.7549 WARN (Jobservice ) : Moving private key to the key container.
    2018-09-06 09:45:00.8803 WARN (Jobservice ) : Constrain access to encrypted configuration properties on the service account.
    2018-09-06 09:45:01.8803 WARN (Jobservice ) : Starting queue \WIN12-SQL.
    2018-09-06 09:45:01.8803 INFO (Jobservice ) : Requesting process steps for queue \WIN12-SQL.
    2018-09-06 09:45:02.0993 ERROR (Jobservice ) : Error occured in Job Service (thread: <Unknown>):
    [821049] Error starting One Identity Manager Service.
        [821061] Error starting plugin 'Remote Connect Plugin'.
        [System.ArgumentNullException] Value cannot be null.
    Parameter name: permittedGroup VI.Base.ViException: Error starting One Identity Manager Service. ---> VI.Base.ViException: Error starting plugin 'Remote Connect Plugin'. ---> System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
    Parameter name: permittedGroup
       at VI.Projector.Connection.Remoting.Authentication.ActiveDirectoryGroupAuthenticator..ctor(GlobalCatalog globalCatalog, String permittedGroup)
       at VI.Projector.JobService.Plugins.RemoteConnectService.RemoteConnectPluginConfig.GetAuthenticator()
       at VI.Projector.JobService.Plugins.RemoteConnectService.RemoteConnectPlugin.Start()
       at VI.JobService.JobService._StartJobService()
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at VI.JobService.JobService._StartJobService()
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    2018-09-06 09:45:02.0993 WARN (Jobservice ) : Error starting the service. Retrying after 00:01:30.
    2018-09-06 09:45:02.0993 INFO (Jobservice ) : Stopping queue \WIN12-SQL.
    2018-09-06 09:45:02.3704 INFO (Jobservice ) : Ending Queue Database Job Requests...
    2018-09-06 09:45:02.3704 INFO (Jobservice ) : Queue Database Job Requests ended ...
    2018-09-06 09:45:02.3704 INFO (Jobservice ) : Ending Queue Database Job Results...
    2018-09-06 09:45:02.7237 INFO (Jobservice ) : Last process step request succeeded.
    2018-09-06 09:45:02.7237 INFO (Jobservice ) : Queue Database Job Results ended ...
    2018-09-06 09:45:09.7625 INFO (Jobservice ) : Stopping queue \WIN12-SQL.
    2018-09-06 09:45:10.0375 INFO (Jobservice ) : Ending Main Loop...
    2018-09-06 09:45:10.0375 INFO (Jobservice ) : Main Loop ended...

  • cant find the jobservice.log under the path you provide, but I checked this:C:\Users\Administrator.EY\AppData\Local\Dell\One Identity Manager\JobServiceCmd 

    content below,what should I do now?Thanks.

    2018-09-06 09:45:00.4421 ERROR (Jobservice ) : Error occured in HTTP Server (thread: HTTP Server):
    [System.Net.HttpListenerException] Failed to listen on prefix 'http://*:1880/' because it conflicts with an existing registration on the machine. System.Net.HttpListenerException (0x80004005): Failed to listen on prefix 'http://*:1880/' because it conflicts with an existing registration on the machine.
       at System.Net.HttpListener.AddAllPrefixes()
       at System.Net.HttpListener.Start()
       at VI.JobService.Http.HttpServer._MainLoop()    at System.Net.HttpListener.AddAllPrefixes()
       at System.Net.HttpListener.Start()
       at VI.JobService.Http.HttpServer._MainLoop()
    2018-09-06 09:45:00.7549 WARN (Jobservice ) : Moving private key to the key container.
    2018-09-06 09:45:00.8803 WARN (Jobservice ) : Constrain access to encrypted configuration properties on the service account.
    2018-09-06 09:45:01.8803 WARN (Jobservice ) : Starting queue \WIN12-SQL.
    2018-09-06 09:45:01.8803 INFO (Jobservice ) : Requesting process steps for queue \WIN12-SQL.
    2018-09-06 09:45:02.0993 ERROR (Jobservice ) : Error occured in Job Service (thread: <Unknown>):
    [821049] Error starting One Identity Manager Service.
        [821061] Error starting plugin 'Remote Connect Plugin'.
        [System.ArgumentNullException] Value cannot be null.
    Parameter name: permittedGroup VI.Base.ViException: Error starting One Identity Manager Service. ---> VI.Base.ViException: Error starting plugin 'Remote Connect Plugin'. ---> System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
    Parameter name: permittedGroup
       at VI.Projector.Connection.Remoting.Authentication.ActiveDirectoryGroupAuthenticator..ctor(GlobalCatalog globalCatalog, String permittedGroup)
       at VI.Projector.JobService.Plugins.RemoteConnectService.RemoteConnectPluginConfig.GetAuthenticator()
       at VI.Projector.JobService.Plugins.RemoteConnectService.RemoteConnectPlugin.Start()
       at VI.JobService.JobService._StartJobService()
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
       at VI.JobService.JobService._StartJobService()
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    2018-09-06 09:45:02.0993 WARN (Jobservice ) : Error starting the service. Retrying after 00:01:30.
    2018-09-06 09:45:02.0993 INFO (Jobservice ) : Stopping queue \WIN12-SQL.
    2018-09-06 09:45:02.3704 INFO (Jobservice ) : Ending Queue Database Job Requests...
    2018-09-06 09:45:02.3704 INFO (Jobservice ) : Queue Database Job Requests ended ...
    2018-09-06 09:45:02.3704 INFO (Jobservice ) : Ending Queue Database Job Results...
    2018-09-06 09:45:02.7237 INFO (Jobservice ) : Last process step request succeeded.
    2018-09-06 09:45:02.7237 INFO (Jobservice ) : Queue Database Job Results ended ...
    2018-09-06 09:45:09.7625 INFO (Jobservice ) : Stopping queue \WIN12-SQL.
    2018-09-06 09:45:10.0375 INFO (Jobservice ) : Ending Main Loop...
    2018-09-06 09:45:10.0375 INFO (Jobservice ) : Main Loop ended...

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