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job queue did not run successfully

I installed one identity manager, install job server, DB server, application server ,web portal . after run the synchronization ,the job queue did not run successful

Details please check the attached picture URL.

sorry. Im not able to upload the URL, have to paste here:

Job queue

show it browser:

Could you please give advice on this ?I don't know what the problem is .Thank a lot.

Parents Reply Children
  • Even if pasting does not work, does using the menu and choosing Insert->Insert image/video/file work?

    In regards to the errors, you have two different things.

    1. Port 1880 is already in use. So either you choose to re-configure the Job Service to use a different port (e.g. 1881) or identify the other service or tool using port 1880.
    2. You haven't configured the Remote Connection Plugin correctly that you are using on the Job Service. It is missing the configuration value for the permittedGroup that is allowed to access the remote connection plugin.
  • The path of the log-file reveals that you are starting the Job Service manually using JobServiceCMD.exe, that explains that port 1880 is already in use. Please check your installed services, there should be a Dell One Identity Manager service already running.

    I already explained the reason for the 2nd error you see in the log.