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What is the difference between Administrative Workstations vs Application server

Hi ,

I have a doubt regarding the Administrative Workstations vs application server .In installation document it is mentioned that  , in  administrative work station ,the all tools  (like designer,manager,... )  are installing for configuring the data.

Then what is the need for "Application server  ".Actually in Application server only we are having all the One idm Tools (like designer,manager,....) .

I am bit confused. P Lease help me.

  • Hi,

    An Administrative Workstation is any machine on which the tools to manage the product are installed. In a small development environment you might have a single machine acting as database server, job server and Administrative "Workstation". In production you will most likely have multiple servers with various roles like Job Server and database installed. You would use the Admin Workstation to configure them, via the tools, which also connect to the database. This might also include developing scripts using VB, which you may  not be allowed to do on the servers.

    The Application Server is a specific role that facilitates a connection pool for accessing the product database. Note the capital “A”, not to be confused with the administrative applications like Designer, Manager and so on. Please see:

    Hope that helps


  • Hi,

    An Administrative Workstation is any machine on which the tools to manage the product are installed. In a small development environment you might have a single machine acting as database server, job server and Administrative "Workstation". In production you will most likely have multiple servers with various roles like Job Server and database installed. You would use the Admin Workstation to configure them, via the tools, which also connect to the database. This might also include developing scripts using VB, which you may  not be allowed to do on the servers.

    The Application Server is a specific role that facilitates a connection pool for accessing the product database. Note the capital “A”, not to be confused with the administrative applications like Designer, Manager and so on. Please see:

    Hope that helps


  • Thanks for your valuable information.I have one more doubt.

    In one application server ,can we have both Administrative workstation and application sever . In our environment ,we are using Windows server 2012 version and there i can see all the administrative tools like Manger,designer,jobQueueinfo............

  • Hi,

    As per earlier comment, yes in a small environment you could have can have all components on the same machine. To help you understand it differently, think of the Application Server role as a little service on the machine while the Admin role is just more of a folder on the machine that has all the executables for the tools like Designer etc.  Please also refer to the diagram in the section "One Identity Manager Architecture" at In that diagram, the Web Server, Application Server, Database Server and Job Server roles could be on one machine, but not recommended for production.

  • Hi ,

    In that link ,i could see an architecture which doesn't have Application server.If there is no application server then how Administrative workstation tools  connect to One Idm database for configuration .

    The Application server is used for  providing  a connection pool for accessing the database and ensures a secure connection to the database.If it is not there then how it will connect to database for querying and other process.

    Thanks for your goodwill.

  • I recommend the video explaining the application server posted on our official YouTube channel. Ensure you subscribe to the channel to get the latest updates when available.

  • Hi,

    Thanks a lot .That video was more helpful.

    I have one doubt like in that video,there is URL for application server.While login into application server via URL through Browser,what are the functions we can do through UI.

    I could not see any option there in that Application server UI. Is it just a dummy server for connecting to Database.What are thing we can do in application server like what we do using manager,designer,Report editor.....etc.................