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Multi select Foreign key in Request property


I am to have system roles UID to be available for selection in front end while requesting a product. I am able to make it multi selectable by using component "MultiFKCombo" from Web Designer but when I am trying to select multiple system roles from front end, it is throwing error as length of the column is 38. What is the best approach to achieve this?

  • Hi,

    AFAIK there is no way to do this using request properties alone. 

    I suspect you are seeing this error because your backend column is declared as a UID which has a limit of 38 chars but by multieselecting you are going over that limit

  • Hi,

    AFAIK there is no way to do this using request properties alone. 

    I suspect you are seeing this error because your backend column is declared as a UID which has a limit of 38 chars but by multieselecting you are going over that limit
