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How to Drop Custom Table


I would like to create a custom table to use for a synchronization project.

My question is can i drop the table if it's no longer needed? If so how would i do this in v7.13.

Thank you,


  • I found stored procedure called "QBM_PTableDrop "

    Is this what I should use?

    exec QBM_PTableDrop @table, @force

  • I suggest contacting support about this. They can tell you what precautions you have to take if you go down that path.

    Honestly, I cannot see the point in creating a full-featured custom table that you throw away afterward.

  • Markus,

    Thank you for the suggestion.

    My original intent was to store sensitive data and use sync project to transport for a project.

    After the project completes there maybe a need to just purge the table and maybe never use it again.

    I will rethink this and see with support if dropping the table is even possible.

    I appreciate your help.


  • Markus,

    Thank you for the suggestion.

    My original intent was to store sensitive data and use sync project to transport for a project.

    After the project completes there maybe a need to just purge the table and maybe never use it again.

    I will rethink this and see with support if dropping the table is even possible.

    I appreciate your help.


No Data