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Issue while trying to authenticate using Kerberos on the web portal


I am desperately trying to use Kerberos to authenticate users on my web portal in OIM v8.0.

The Active Directory user account (manual input/role based) module works but not Active Directory user account (dynamic)

I have the following error in the IIS logs, it seems that IIS/One Identity is not getting the Login from the user session.

VI.Base.ViException: No user name supplied.

Have you already encountered this issue ? My IIS is configured for Windows Authentication only and this does not work !

Thank you in advance for your feedbacks !


  • I wonder if you are running into defect 29096. That was an issue seen with SSO in version 8.0.0 only. It was fixed in 8.0.1. Can you confirm your version?

  • Hi,

    There are quite a few elements to getting Kerberos SSO to work from the browser--this is just the nature of the Windows security model.  One point is that generally one uses Active Directory user account (Role based) to get the SSO going.  The Dynamic auth methods are there to allow more customized behaviour.

    The helper document here may help you review the various configuration steps on the Web App, the browser and OneIM sides required to get Kerberos SSO working:

