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IIS Authorization Rules for Manager Web


I hope someone could help me. I want to deploy the Manger Web App to our HelpDesk team but want them to use a specific account.
I've authorized the application roles to the employees but Helpdesk have 2 AD accounts. One for Primary and a Priv account.

I want to restrict the Manger web so they have to use the priv account. 
I was looking into IIS Authorization rule but does not seem to work.

Here is what i've done.

Set the Website to Windows Authentication
Created a local group 
Added the AD group to the local group
Created Allow Authorization Rule in IIS for the Local Group

I was thinking maybe i needed to use .net Authorization rules but same result.
If i just add Administrators and I have a membership of a group in Administrators it works.
Although i can't add the HelpDesk team to the Administrators group.

Is there a way to create this type of access to the Web Manager within Designer or some config in Web Mananger?
Thanks in advance for any help.


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