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Backup Process change logs


We are moving to the new version shortly and I was wondering if there is a way to backup the process change logs?

We are moving from v6 to v7.1.3 using a new environment.

I need to keep the change logs for the year from the old database.

Is there a way I can port them into splunk? Or just back up the tables needed so i can query them when needed?

I would like to retire the old db a few months after the move but still need the change logs.

Thank you for any assistance,


  • I came up with this query that seems to kind of work.

    Maybe i can dump this data to another DB for future reference or use splunk to port the data in.

    Does anyone know what other tables i may need to consider for seeing the property changes?

    I just need a few more tweaks to get current value which i'm working on.

    select TOP 10 wo.DisplayValue,dc.ColumnName,wp.OldValue,wo.OperationUser,wo.OperationDate from ADSAccount a
    Left Join Person p
    ON a.UID_Person = p.UID_Person
    Left Join DialogWatchOperation wo
    ON wo.ObjectKey = a.XObjectKey
    Left Join DialogWatchProperty wp
    ON wp.UID_DialogWatchOperation = wp.UID_DialogWatchOperation
    Left Join DialogColumn dc
    ON dc.UID_DialogColumn = wp.UID_DialogColumn

  • One option would be to configure a History DB for your version 6 database and move the historical data from the main database to the history database. The version 6 history database can be connected to a version 7+ installation for reading the historical data from there. It works in most cases but not for every data set due to the schema changes.

  • One option would be to configure a History DB for your version 6 database and move the historical data from the main database to the history database. The version 6 history database can be connected to a version 7+ installation for reading the historical data from there. It works in most cases but not for every data set due to the schema changes.
