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Updateing DateTime Attribute with "HandleObjectComponent - Update"

Dear Community,

I needed to implement a process that sets a new "DateLastWorked" based on the ExitDate of a person.

The new DateLastWorked must be set to the end of the day, based on ExitDate, i.e. 09.10.2018 23:59:00.000

I chose the "HandleObjectComponent - Update" as process step.

I had a few problems implementing this easy function.

  1. It seems that the object layer doesn't correct the input-date to the correct database time (UTC).
    When I calculated the example value of "09.10.2018 23:59:00.000" it was written 1:1 to the database.
    Function to set the new variable:

          values("DateLastWorked") =  Person.GetValue("ExitDate").Date.Date.AddMinutes(-1).AddDays(1)

    That has, of course the effect that the wrong date is shown in the manager/web and the wrong date is transmitted to the target systems.
    What I then did was trying to calculate the utc time in the pre-script of the process.

  2. Sadly the function I used for that seems to be bugged in the context of a process (It works just fine in a custom script)

          values("DateLastWorked") =  DBVal.ToUniversalTime(Person.GetValue("ExitDate").Date.Date.AddMinutes(-1).AddDays(1),Connection.TimeZone)

    What works in an custom-script (Input 23:59 = 21:59 if local time is German time with daylight-saving "UTC+2") seems not to work in the context of a process.
    Input and output of that function are the same. 23:59 = 23:59.
    What works is that function that should work identical:

          values("DateLastWorked") =  Person.GetValue("ExitDate").Date.Date.AddMinutes(-1).AddDays(1).Add(-Connection.TimeZone.BaseUtcOffset)

Now I'm confused about the behavior and I have two questions:

  1. Is it correct that the object layer doesn't correct date values to the database time zone when using the "HandleObjectComponent - Update" process-component?
  2. Why are the two function calls have different results when they should do the same?

I have tested the behavior in 7.1.2 and 8.0.2 with same results.

Parents Reply
  • So, during generation which means the connection used is not necessarily the Job Service executing a process but the object layer in general (Client or Job Service) that triggered the process generation. Please keep that in mind in your test.

    And as I've said:

    I checked the code and ToUniversalTime detects that the current datetime is UTC based (as said before, all dates are considered UTC based) and doesn't convert the value.

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