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Create UNSAccountB with VB script - Input string was not in a correct format

We're creating UNSAccountB record using script:

Dim UNSAccountB As IEntity = Nothing
Dim UNSRootB As IEntity = TSB_UNSRootB_Get(Ident_UNSRoot)
Dim TSBAccountDef As IEntity = TSB_TSBAccountDef_Get(Ident_TSBAccountDef)
Dim TSBBehavior As IEntity = TSB_TSBBehavior_Get(Ident_TSBBehavior)


	If Session.Source.TryGet( Query.From("Person") _
		    					   .Where(f.Comparison("UID_Person", UID_Person, ValType.String, CompareOperator.Equal, FormatterOptions.NonUnicodeLiterals)) _
			    				   .SelectNonLobs, Person ) Then

        UNSAccountB = Session.Source.CreateNew("UNSAccountB")
        UNSAccountB.PutValue("FirstName", Person.GetValue("FirstName").String)
        UNSAccountB.PutValue("LastName", Person.GetValue("LastName").String)
        UNSAccountB.PutValue("UID_UNSRootB", UNSRootB.GetValue("UID_UNSRootB").String)
        Using uow As IUnitOfWork = Session.StartUnitOfWork()
        End Using

In most castes it's working as expected but in one case it fails with error message: Input string was not in a correct format. After debug I came to conclusion that UID_UNSRootB of specified Target System is a problem. The problematic UID has a value


Target System is defined as follows:

Target system: VRS
Target system type: Unified Web Service
Canonical name: VRS
Distinguished name: system=VRS
Display name: Versis
Account definition: Konto Versis

Weird thing is that on PROD environment there is the same behaviour where UID_UNSRootB is equal:


The problem is only with this one Target System

IDM ver: 7.1.1

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