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Unable to redirect to web portal when it is deployed behind load balancer and "openid" authentication module


We have two web portals on 2 servers which is deployed behind load balancer. Load balancer used is AWS CLB and sticky session is also configured on CLB. Authentication module used for web portal is openid role based and for openid we have configured redirect URI as "https://<CLB>/OneIdentityManager/page.axd". And we are using Red Hat for SSO. When we hit the red hat URL, it checks the redirect URI of openid and the redirect URI which we can see is the URL of one of the web portal servers instead of CLB URL and thats the reason throws an error. How can we resolve this issue? We are using 8.0 version.

Parents Reply
  • ok so I have one doubt like if my CLB redirects to server1 where I have configured CLB URL in QBMWebApplicaiton, it will act as LB and again redirect to one of the servers but in case if my CLB redirects to server2 where Application URL is still that server's IP then will it not throw an error again?
